beliefs and art sales
Okay, I want to make some money from my work. Recently, I read some ebooks published by TSC, LLC (Actense) that advocate a belief-based approach to selling art. Everything I read made a lot of sense, so I set out to compose a belief statement. In EBOOK 1, the authors counseled accuracy over precision, less is more, and third grade language.
I confess I'm struggling mightily with this exercise. I know my belief statement will center around Earth's natural environment, but what am I trying to do? Protect it? Draw attention to it? Decry humanity's abuse of it? Emphasize its importance in our daily lives? All of the above? Sheesh. It seemed easy the first time I read through the ebooks. My work has been focused on trees for almost a year now, but I didn't want to make everything from here on about only trees - I'm a geologist by training, and I'd like to paint volcanos and glaciers and rocks. Yes, I'm nerdy.
Stay tuned. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
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